
Showing posts from 2017

DIY masks for the bride

Every bride dreams to have spotless skin and glow within. It's like, literally we will trade anything and everything to get the perfect skin ready for the special day. But you are short in time or you are broke or may be you are just scared of facials in general. Guess what? Now, you can have glowing and spotless skin at home without spending barely any money. Here is Wedding lantern certified 3 DIY face masks for you to try to achieve spotless glowing skin. Picture courtesy - Here 1. Cinnamon with honey and yogurt mask This is useful for acne prone skin as honey reduces irritation and redness, whereas cinnamon heals the skin by bringing oxygen and blood to the problem area. Also yogurt is one powerful ingredient that brightens the skin and gives you glowing skin as a bonus benefit. Recipe - 2 table spoons of yogurt, 2 table spoons of organic honey and 1 table spoon of cinnamon powder. Mix them well and apply gently on your face. After 10 to 15 minutes rinse off wi

Love for Jutti / Khussa

Jutti is a type of ethnic shoes originally made in India. Previously they were made of pure lather with real silver and gold zaari work all over it; now they are available in faux lather, rubber and many other qualities and designs. Back in the days jutti was available only within India and Pakistan. However many emerging brands in Bangladesh are coming out with jutti collection. So if you are a crazy jutti lover like me, get all the information here. Pic - Pinterest Monroé Monroé was launched very recently and already has become everyone's first choice. They offer casual to fancy jutties cost starts from 2600 tk to 5000 tk (Bengali currency). They are a bit on pricier side but if quality is what you seek for Monroe is your best choice. Till now they are solely an online based company. they are available in Facebook and Instagram . Pic - Monroé facebook   La Mode La mode is one of the first companies in Bangladesh who started their online bu

Get your Planner ASAP

Picture Courtesy - pinterest From where shall I begin? Let's start from my own experience. I am a kind of girl who have been dreaming about her wedding since childhood. As I grew up millions of ideas piled up in my brain, but never ended up on papers. Moreover, once I got engaged I started browsing Pinterest and other social medias for inspiration. I was so intrigued by endless ideas that my laptop was almost full with pictures. However, since I didn't have an actual planner to pin my ideas and keep track, I forgot most of them. During your wedding day you get busy with guests or many other things. So just in case if you didn't find your perfect couple photo, post weddings photo-shoots are life saver. I always wanted a post wedding photo-shoot but guess what? Of course we forgot to book an appoint with the photographer. What a miss right? I still regret it big time. Picture Courtesy - Therefore I can't emphasize enough on getting Wedding